Pharmacy chains activity analysis

Pharmacy chains activity analysis

Russian pharmaceuticals retail chain segment evaluation, both on the level of the state and in particular regions. Pharmacy chains development forecast


Product sales and separate market development forecast, based on unique mathematical models

Business and marketing plan development

Development of detailed business-plans, required to evaluate the reasonability of project start

Search of partners for contract production in Russia

Potential partners search and evaluation, based on their technical opportunities, appropriate experience, and reputation

Monitoring of import substitution

assessment of the main trends of import substitution policies and localization processes in the pharmaceutical market in Russia, the key beneficiaries and companies at risk

Partners search for contract and licensed production

Contract production is nowadays often used in Russian pharmaceutical market. It is considered not just as a localization method for obtaining preferences within the government purchasing program, but also for logistics processes optimization and for maintaining the cost-effectiveness of already existing business.

The RNC Pharma Company possesses a range of unique tools for the search of potential partners in the field of contract and licensed production. Our experts evaluate and select business partners, considering complex of factors, as purely technological (such as technical abilities for different medical forms production) as marketing factors, in case of licensed production (products distribution system presence, promotion opportunities, etc.). The potential partner’s experience in building contract relationships and well reputation play a crucial role here.

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